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Musiciste e compositrici. Storia e storie
edited by Luca Aversano, Orietta Caianiello, Milena Gammaitoni

(Voci di musiciste, 1)

336 pp.; 21 x 14,8 cm

This volume, born out of a fruitful meeting between musicology and sociology, explores women’s contribution to music in multiple regions and eras—from ancient Rome to the present day, from Italy to Catherine II’s Russia and Victorian England. Its lively portraits of women composers, conductors, dancers, and performers, sketched on careful research grounds, come with reflections upon method and research on women’s musical education, musical talents, and social struggles.


Luca Aversano, Milena Gammaitoni
Introduzione. Musiciste e compositrici: tra storiografia e sociologia
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Mariella De Simone
Donne e musica nella Roma antica: esecutrici e compositrici

Valeria Palumbo
Musiciste italiane tra Rinascimento e Barocco

Federica Fortunato
Piccole madri. Compositrici alla corte di Caterina II

Mariacarla De Giorgi
Hélène De Montgeroult e il pianismo francese tra rivoluzione e impero: … Elle faisait parler les touches

Carla Conti
Zeneide Lebzeltern. Musica e diplomazia al femminile nella Napoli dell’Ottocento

Lucia Navarrini
Josephine Amann Weinlich, musicista, compositrice e fondatrice dell’orchestra delle «Dame Viennesi»

Raffaella Leproni
Discordia concors. Ethel Smyth: la donna, la compositrice

Orietta Caianiello
L’Inghilterra musicale e le donne: dall’età vittoriana alla Society of Women Musicians

Antonella Napoli
Giulia Recli nella Milano musicale del primo Novecento

Paola Ciarlantini
Appunti sulla nascita in Italia della compositrice come figura professionale

Nika Tomasevic
Una compositrice di danza. La musica nella concezione artistica e pedagogica di Jia Ruskaja

Maria Cristina Lòcori
Da compositrice a professionista della musica: un percorso ad ostacoli

Angelina Zhivova
«La gatta che andava in giro da sola». Riflessioni sulle colonne sonore di Sofija Gubajdulina

Luca Aversano
Le donne nella storia dell’educazione musicale in Italia

Loredana Metta
Dive e supereroi. Passeggiata con personaggi e "personagge" nella storia della musica

Anna Lisa Tota
La cittadinanza artistica: tra gender e talento musicale

Milena Gammaitoni
Un’analisi sociologica: le musiciste nella cultura e nella lotta per i diritti sociali

Orietta Caianiello
Musiciste e compositrici: giornate di studio e concerti al Teatro Palladium
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Profili biografici

Indice dei nomi

Luca Aversano earned his Ph.D. in Musicology at the University of Cologne, Germany, with a dissertation on the early 19th-century dissemination of Austro-German instrumental music in Italy. He was an adjunct professor of History and criticism of musical text at the University of Parma (2000-2001), a research fellow at the Art and Theater History Department, University of Florence (2001-2004), and professor at the Institute of Musicology, University of Cologne (2004-2005). He has been teaching since 2005 at the Roma Tre University (Department of Philosophy, Communication, and Stage), where he got his tenure in Music History and Musicology in 2019. He won the 2012 Ladislao Mittner Prize for Musicology and the 2018 Franco Abbiati Prize (Massimo Mila section). A board member of ADUIM (Association of Italian University Music Teachers) from 2011, he is currently its secretary. He has been chairing the Roma Tre Teatro Palladium Foundation since 2018. A board member for several scholarly journals, he has been editor of the “Musica e Spettacolo” book series issued by Quodlibet (Macerata/Rome) since 2016.

Orietta Caianiello graduated in piano under Aldo Tramma at the Naples Conservatory, studied with Werner Genuit in Detmold (Germany) and Peter Feuchtwanger in London, and attended master classes by Marina Horak, Bernard Wambach, Massimiliano Damerini, and Elizabeth Sombart, as well as the Darmstädter Ferienkurse and the Tibor Varga Academy, Sion (Switzerland). She also graduated from the Art, Music, and Stage Arts Department, Roma Tre University. She is currently teaching Chamber Music at the Bari Conservatory and collaborating with the Testaccio Popular School of Music and the Résonnance International Association. She performed in the Freon Ensemble, Rome, and the Ianus Piano Duo; her many CDs, issued by Terre Sommerse, Stradivarius, and RaiTrade, include music by Gian Francesco Malipiero and Franco Donatoni, Olivier Messiaën’s Visions de l’Amen, and the anthologies, Italian News, Schumannesque, Sei per due, and Antonio’s Book. A member of the IAWM, she is actively researching and disseminating music by women composers by means of such endeavors as the Bari Conservatory research project, L'Ombra Illuminata, the music festival, Le Compositrici, and the Roma Tre University meeting, Le Musiciste.

Milena Gammaitoni is an adjunct professor of General Sociology at the Department of Education, Roma Tre University. She earned a Ph.D. in Social Theory and Research, La Sapienza University, Rome, and a post-doctorate at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, then specializing in qualitative research in social sciences (La Sapienza), equal opportunities, and the history of women’s thought (Roma Tre). She taught sociology disciplines at Roma Tre, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland), Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, and the Université d’Evry-Paris. Her research areas are issues of identity, qualitative and complementary social research methods, and the social condition of artists. She authored The Musician’s Social Function (EDUP, 2004), The Poet’s Social Action. Wisława Szymborska in the Lives of Readers in Poland and Italy (Franco Angeli, 2005), and Lives of European Women Artists. From the Middle Ages to Contemporary Era (Cleup, 2013). She was also editor of Toward a Sociology of the Arts. History and Lives (Cleup, 2012) and Arts and Politics. Answers from Sociology (Cleup, 2015). Two more books, Sociology of the Arts: Theory and Research (Cleup) and the updated edition of Lives of European Women Artists (London: Springer) are currently in print. She is co-editor of the Sociological Attractions book series (Cleup) with Ignazia Maria Bartholini.


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ISBN: 978-88-85780-125

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ISBN: 978-88-85780-118
Price: 25 €